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El Scorchio 10:00 Tue Sep 1
Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
Yes, it's a good sign to the fans to not sell the boy, but 35-40 million quid for a central defender is huge, huge money which they could use to replace him and really strengthen 2-3 positions in their side. He clearly wants to go, and as I assume he'll not sign a new contract with them, they might never get as good an offer and might end up losing him for relative peanuts down the line.

No club wants to be tarred with the 'selling' brush if they are supposed to have ambition, but surely sometimes it's more sensible to take the money?

What would you do? I'd sell him.

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boleyn8420 6:13 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
Yanto. I guess youre right, but as someone who can hold a grudge at Olympic standards and that knowing in 4 years time I could be worth £50 million then I would just let the fucker run down and every time the club agreed a fee I would say fuck off i'm not going till i'm ready. Which would be on a free. Fuck em

RBshorty 5:54 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
Everton are in a position power. Stones only signing a 5 year contract. So they can sit back and see his price go up over the season. Also Arsenal. Manchester United as well as Chelsea will all be richer next summer.(Due to the TV deal.) Will just bump money up.

It didn't help chelsea coming in with a low bid. Then slowly raising it. They knew stones had just got a new contract. And that Everton didn't want him togo. So £20 million for a club as rich as the rentboys. Is a bit of a pisstake.

Yanto 5:53 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
boleyn - understand what you're saying but Stones has about four years left on his contract, so doubt Everton would worry too much yet

boleyn8420 5:50 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
If i'm John Stones and had a transfer request blocked. I would turn round and say 'Fair enough, just to let you know though that I will also exercise my rights and that when my contact comes up for renewal I wont be signing a new one and fully intend to run it down to nothing and go on a free' Lose £40m see if I fucking care. Mind you I'm only saying this as I fucking hate anything to do with scousers. Which is also why I still have a fixed perma smile on my boat after the weekend

Razzle 5:30 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
Has any club after selling a key player for lots of money actually got a return?
Bale money, Spurs bought a load of rubbish
Suarez money, Liverpool bought a load of rubbish

TCHammer444 12:36 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
Trouble is they don't have time to get someone they want plus everyone knows they have £40m in the bank, therefore the price of players they want naturally goes up.

I always thought it was good for clubs to sell and then buy 3 or 4 decent players with that money. I am still laughing at the Spuds getting £85m for Bale and then blowing the whole lot on random shite, Lamela and Soldado. Levy still has a tear in his eye.

Back to Stones though, he's not worth £40m, but Everton should take the cash

DukeofDevo 12:27 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
Stones is a good CB no doubt but £40m? Everton have to take that money!

He's not in Rios class and his impact on the game is limited by his position. Like a goalkeeper he will only have a brilliant game if the team are under the cosh.

If Everton regard their CB as a must keep player they are wrong, they could get a very good replacement and still have £30m to spend on midfield and attack.

Plus they're not looking after the interests of the player who wants to compete at Champions league and international level regularly, they're impeding his development by holding him back.

They have to cash in and let him go!

, 12:18 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
As far as Stones is concerned Everton spirited him away from Barnsley and now they are being hoist with their own petard. Still Stones' first club will get a bonus out of his sale.

Rossal 12:15 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
They should of took £40M

Austin 15
Yarmelenko 15
Evans £6 mil

Gives them a better team then what they have now

Strange decision

Alex V 11:52 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
I think Everton have been stupid, yes. If he goes anyway today they've been doubly stupid to leave it so late.

That said, I do think Everton look very strong this season, and might be a long-shot to sneak 4th if the other clubs falter.

threesixty 11:45 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
I'm not sure what 30-40m will do for that club right now.
If you could get a centre half that was as good as Stones or had potential to be he would cost 20 odd million anyway. And it would be gamble.

Anyone good on the market thats established wouldnt come to Everton anyway. No CL football etc... So realistically what good would it do to sell?

Back in the day many clubs were hand to mouth and technically insolvent. That maybe the way on the continent still so its easy to get their good players (Payet for example) for cheap.

But here its not the same. I think he'll go in the Summer when Everton are ready and have a replacement lined up that can do a pre-season. But I think they maybe right to keep him at least this season.

whufcroe 11:43 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
"Stones- are Everton just being stupid? "

No, it's about time teams stood up to the likes of Chelsea and Man City and told them to do one.

Look at Delph? Brought purely to meet their home grown quota and he's in the England squad having played fuck all football this season.

Fifth Column 11:09 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
He'll be gone by 6pm today.

El Scorchio 11:05 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
That is true Norf. Point taken. They would be trading away a known quantity for a few unknowns.

Sven Roeder 10:32 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
Everton have just signed Ramiro Funes Mori who is a 6ft 1 Argentinan defender for £9.5m ..... hmmm

Norflundon 10:30 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
Qith the new TV deal any team should be able to spend 40m
If they add three good players to that side they could challenge the top four
How did it work out for spuds or the bin dippers selling their best players????or even us with Rio.....

El Scorchio 10:28 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
With Berahino, WBA are dead right to say no. It's decent money but not enough to warrant losing him by any stretch.

I just think that the amount being offered for Stones is insane, I'd really struggle to turn that down if I were offered it.

TeVaz 10:22 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
Happy to see teams finally saying no both to the player and the bigger clubs . Hope WBA stay strong over Berahino too .

El Scorchio 10:20 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
Norf- that would depend on who they brought in with the money though?

Usually yes, selling a player like that is a bad thing and normally I'd say no, but for the likes of 40 million quid, you could realistically bring in 3 excellent players who would definitely be more beneficial to the squad than just Stones.

Assuming Martinez gets it all, as mentioned below.

young woody 10:19 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
Norflundon 10:16 Tue Sep 1

I am with you. All these money men ripping apart teams is doing my head in.

Fair play to Everton for saying NO.

Norflundon 10:16 Tue Sep 1
Re: Stones- are Everton just being stupid?
Well done Everton
What's the point if every time you build a decent side a rich club can come and take what they want
They've got a excellent spine to the team with stones Barkley and lukaku if they fold on stones you might as well stick the other two up for sale as they'll be out the door 5mins later saying the club has no ambition

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